Today, November 13th...
Today is the day where bloggers everywhere
are joining together in a campaign to buy water for Christmas.
4500 mothers bury their children
EVERY DAY due to contaminated water.
That statistic crushes my heart.
It hits very close to home this year.
Because I have been there.
And while it is a harsh reality,
no mother should ever have to bury their child.
The lack of access to clean water
is the leading cause of death in underdeveloped nations.
But we can do something to help.
$10 will buy clean water for someone in Africa for 10 years.
10 years.$10 isn't much for us, is it?
And your $10 will be changing a life.
Will you join me today?
Click the photo below to be directed to a secure donation site
of the non-profit organization
charity:waterAll donations are tax deductible.
100% of the profit goes directly to clean water solutions in West Africa.
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water for christmas