
Cooties in Print!

Not only are my clients the best, but some of their weddings are also affairs that magazines have taken note of! And of course, the reason for this is all the special and unique little details- including my cootie catchers! =)

Check out the new Brides (Maryland) issue and see my fab cooties!



This new year, I need to make a resolution to update my blog more often! It's been awhile, (which I always seem to be saying...) but I am going to try and keep adding some new information here because...

I am rolling out some new changes to the shop! For the rest of this year, and into the new year, I am planning on completely overhauling my graphic design/logo, etc. I am also planning some changes to my pricing structure and hoping to add some new items to the shop and a new line of non-custom cooties to sell in boutiques, which I get asked about all the time- but have been too stinking busy to even consider. I am also considering getting my own website, instead of selling solely on etsy. Lots of big things happening!

Things were crazy, I mean, absolutely CRAZY during the months of August and September! You'd think June would be busier, but actually, early fall is the busiest time of year for me. This year was no exception and I thought I was going to go insane- but I made it and now this bit of a slowdown in October has been a welcome relief. (I actually dusted my house for the first time in who knows how long...)

So, keep an eye out for all the exciting new things happening here!!!


PayPal Invoices and Credit Card Payments

Many times clients without a PayPal account request to pay via credit card. That's just fine- I welcome credit card payments! These payments are processed securely through PayPal (I am a member) and can be transacted without signing up for a PayPal account.

First, you will receive an invoice via email (it comes FROM PayPal).

Review the invoice and click the yellow "Pay Now" button to continue.

Next, you will be taken to a login page. If you have a PayPal account, great! Log in and complete payment. Otherwise, if you are paying with a credit card, please click the link "Don't have a PayPal Account?" link below the login area.

Finally, input your card info, click "Review and continue" and you'll be all set!


Place Card Name Pricing

If you are ordering place/escort cards and would like me to print/input individual guest names on them, I would love to do so! I offer this service for both printed cootie catchers and DIY .pdf cootie catcher orders. (The price is the same for both, see table below)

I work from your guest list, sent in a formatted excel file (to my stipulations) or from whatever format you have them. There's a price break if you format the file how I need it yourself, but for brides who don't want to worry about this, I am happy to do it for you for a small additional charge.

How I need your excel file formatted:
(Click photo to enlarge)

Helpful Tip-
If you have already gathered your guest info in an excel file, but don't have the data separated into columns like I need, here's how to do it in one fell swoop, instead of manually changing each one:

1.) Determine if you have enough empty columns to spread everything out without overlapping your table numbers, if applicable. If not, move the table column data over far enough to be out of the way. (Highlight then cut and paste- usually 6-7 columns over)

2.) Highlight the data (in one column) that you want to separate.

3.) Click "Data" in the toolbar, and then "Text to Columns"

4.) Select "Delimited Width" for your data type, then click next

5.) Check the box for "Space" as the delimiter you'd like, click next

6.) The default data format should be "General".
Click Finish.
(If you get a pop-up box that asks if you want to replace the content of the destination cells, this means you must not have moved your table numbers over far enough. Click Cancel, or they will be replaced by the name data. If you accidentally clicked OK, just hit undo).


Important Policies

Hiya fabulous customers!
Thanks for taking the time to read through my policies!

Because my work is completely custom, I require payment in full up front. If this makes you apprehensive, please check out my 100% positive feedback rating from hundreds of clients and keep in mind that I send proofs, offer unlimited revisions and require your final approval before I ever print.

I accept:
Major Credit Cards
Money Orders
(from a nationally recognized institution such as the USPS or WalMart, etc.)
RME (Revolution Money Exchange)

Domestic- I ship all of my US orders via Priority mail with tracking and insurance as a default. I'm willing to change the shipping method to first class (only small orders) or Express (next day) if you let me know and I'll get you a quote. ***Please note that although Priority generally takes 3-5 business days, there is no guarantee of that (as per the USPS)! For this reason, I recommend giving at least 4 week shipping cushion if you can. Please see my lost package policy below for more info.

International- Depending on the quantity, cootie catchers ship first class or Priority Mail. (Order of 25-115 ship Priority. Orders over 115 ship first class) I do this to ensure the best rates for you.
***Please note that all taxes/customs fees are YOUR responsibility!***

With all of my shipping, I do my best to estimate how much it will cost. Sometimes I overestimate and cheerfully refund any extra cost. I hate inflated shipping charges when I shop online and therefore don't do that to my customers, either. (Please keep in mind that my shipping charges do include a small amount for handling.)

Lost/Delayed Packages-I can knock on wood and say I've never had a package go missing anywhere in the world! But I have had shipping delays that can be discouraging to brides on a time crunch, so please be aware that-
I can only account for myself in regards to lead times! I make no promises in regards to transit times, so please order with enough time in advance to allow a shipping delay, should it occur. (ESPECIALLY international customers!) Rest assured that I do promise you will receive your package eventually- I recognize I have a duty to ensure you get what you pay for, I just can't promise when! If you are at all concerned about shipping times, you are welcome to upgrade to a faster shipping service. Just let me know and I'll get you a quote!

I consider a package lost:
US- after 30 business days
CANADA- after 40 business days
EVERYWHERE ELSE- after 45 business days
(Yes, it really can take over 8 weeks for international mail- customs delays is a major culprit)

Should your package be considered lost, I will reprint and ship promptly, shipping by the same method you originally paid for. If you need expedited shipping, the extra will be your responsibility. I also can offer a .pdf of your design at no cost if you'd rather this option instead for reason of a time crunch.

All this sounds kind of alarmist! I actually am very happy with how prompt USPS shipping usually is. I've shipped hundreds of packages and can count any significant delays I've had on one hand. =)

I'm so sorry, due to the custom nature of my work, I do not offer refunds.

In the case of any errors on printed cootie catchers:
Please remember that I send proofs for your final approval before I ever print. Of course, I am committed to 100% quality work, but if you send info to me misspelled (especially names) and then don't catch it on your proofs, I'm sorry, I cannot be held responsible. I'll happily change the error and reprint at the quantity price for you, though and ship via whatever method you choose at your cost.

If I make an error on your cooties and you do not catch it on the proof, but only when you have them in hand- if it's a proper name (a person, restaurant, city, etc.) I am not responsible. I am actually a spelling geek, but I can't possibly know how every person or place in the world is spelled. It is your responsibility to look over your cootie catcher with a fine tooth comb for errors in proper names.

However, if it's a spelling or grammar error that I made (which means it differs from the text you sent) even though you missed it on the proof, I take responsibility. In this case, I offer three options:
1.) If it's minor and you can live with it, I will refund 15% with my deepest apologies. I will also send you 4 fixed cooties as keepsakes via first class mail.
2.) I will reprint and ship with the original shipping method (again, you pay for expedited if you need it)
3.) I send a fixed .pdf for you to print yourself and refund 10%


Happy Birthday, Sweetheart!

Dear, sweet Caden-
Happy Birthday, son!

Wasn't it just yesterday I found out I was pregnant? When I grabbed my head and squealed in excitement at the doctor's office when the nurse confirmed what I had only dared to believe
(while your dad looked on smiling)?

Wasn't it just a moment ago that you came into this world with a cry, prompting tears of my own, though they were from pure joy?

Amazing how a tiny little baby can swell such love in a mother's heart! (and Daddy's, too!)

Each precious moment and first has flown by and although you are still a baby, you have changed so much! I love the silly person you are becoming, a little boy full of fun and joy and interest in the world around you!

I can't believe it's been a whole year, an entire year, since God trusted us with you! 365 days of the most wonderful, blessed moments I could never before have imagined parenthood would bring. You are precious to us, my dear and Daddy and I love you very much!



Truth or Dare Ideas!

Remember Truth or Dare?
How exciting it was, and how fun?

Another fabulous way to use my cootie catchers at your wedding to get your guests having fun and mingling is to have Truth or Dare catchers!

Instead of questions about you as a couple (i.e. How did the bride and groom meet?) have alternating open-ended questions and dares to get your guests having fun and interacting with each other.

Truth: "How do you know the bride and groom?"
Dare: "Ask a stranger to dance!"
(You'll need 4 of each, so 8 total on each cootie)

Or, do all open-ended questions or dares, whatever!

Some Dare Ideas:
Ask a stranger to dance
Do the electric slide/marcarena/bunny hop/hokey pokey, etc.
Pose for a photo
Kiss the bride
Hug the groom
Request a song and dance to it
Make a toast
Balance a spoon on your nose
Juggle with dinner rolls
Do a shot
Get your table another round of drinks
Sing a song to the newlyweds
Drink a cocktail
Introduce yourself to someone new
Have another piece of cake
Show your moves on the dance floor
Tell a funny story about the bride/groom
Go order a __(interesting drink)__ from the bar.
Create a limerick/haiku about your table.

Some Truth Ideas:
How do you know the bride and groom?
What is your favorite wedding movie?
What's the funniest memory you have of either (Bride) or (Groom)?
Who is a better dancer, (Bride) or (Groom)?
What's your favorite type of flower?
Do you cry at weddings?
Do you have any sweet dance moves?
What was the last wedding you attended?
How many children should the couple have?
If money was no object, what wedding gift would you give the newlyweds?
What is your favorite flavor of cake?
What is your first memory of the bride and groom together?
What's your favorite dance song? (Go request it!)
What's your drink of choice?
Which wedding guest is most likely a wedding crasher. Explain.
Which celebrity would you marry?
Are you wearing anything old, new, borrowed, or blue?
What's the worst first dance song imaginable?
What's the weirdest thing you've seen at a wedding?

You can find my cootie catchers in my etsy shop here or email me to get your order started-
katskrafts {@} yahoo {.} com


Gorgeous New Papers!

I am soooo excited to now offer these beautifully rich, jewel-tone papers!
When I saw that my supplier was carrying them, I actually shrieked! (I'm proud to shop local!)

The weight on these papers is 28lbs (perfect for cooties!) and they have a slight texture (which you can feel, but not see).

As you can see from the notes on the photo, these papers are better for deeper inks and have an upcharge of $.12 each. These papers are also available in cover stock, which has an upcharge of $.22 each (instead of the normal $.10)

Hey fall brides- get your cooties on these lovely papers today! Click here.


New Fonts Added!

I just adore fonts- love 'em! I'm always on the lookout for new fun fonts to add to my collection.

(click for a close up)

And as always- if you don't see what you need on my extensive list (here), you are welcome to check out dafont.com to find what you need to make your cooties perfectly coordinate!


Caden Surgery Update

Thanks so much to everyone who sent kind words/thoughts and prayed for Caden! I'm sorry it has taken me so long to get this update up (but you know me- busy, busy, busy!)

The surgery went fantastic! Caden did super! My nerves were a bit on edge, but I felt God's peace and I know you were praying for this momma! =) The first week of recovery was pretty tough- Caden had to have a catheter and it gave him bladder spasms. I must say that he is quite the little trooper, though- such a good-natured boy!

We have to go back in another few weeks for another checkup to make sure things still look good and are working right. :)

Thanks again to everyone who prayed for my family!


Caden's Surgery

Caden is having his Hypospadias surgery tomorrow (Thursday, June 3) at 7:30am.
I am a little freaked out about the whole thing, but I know that God's got it all under control and the team at DeVos Children's hospital is amazing. If you think of us tomorrow, we would definitely appreciate your prayers for a successful surgery and quick recovery.

For my customers- thanks for understanding that my family comes first and so there may be a slight delay in communication from me. I am taking tomorrow through Monday to be the most attentive mommy I can be and will resume designs and shipping at that time.



Order Form/Checklist

To aid you in gathering all of the info I need to provide you with an accurate quote and/or customize your order, here is a handy-dandy form to complete! Just copy and paste this form with your answers into an etsy convo or email
(katskrafts {@} yahoo {.} com)

Use the embedded links or those in the upper right hand corner to navigate all of options and get some useful tips.

Your Name(s)____________________
Event Date_________
(Current Lead Times here)

1.) Format Needed?
Favors (Trivia or Truth/Dare)
__Place Cards (Trivia or Truth/Dare)
(Menu only or with trivia)
__or other?

Are you ordering them printed, or just the .pdf?

(International customers- please let me know if you'd prefer an A4 size file)

2.) Total Quantity= ____

3.) Ink color(s) Options here

4.) Paper choice(s) Options here
(Please include the name of the collection and the number and/or name. Ex= Parchment #3 Aged)

5.) Font(s) Options here

6.) Flourish or border or graphic/motif? Options here

7.) Text for outer 4 corners (Many couples choose their names and the date/year. Other ideas include a monogram, the location, a graphic, quote/verse, last name, etc.)

If ordering cooties with trivia (n/a to programs), how many versions would you like? _____ (I have a minimum order of 25 cootie catchers. Each order includes one version of questions, 8 total. Any additional versions = $10.)
9.) Text for interior:
---Favors/Place Cards: 8 questions and answers per version Ideas here or truth/dare ideas here
---Programs: Ceremony info to be divided into 4 main interior sections
---Menus: Either 8 Q&A's + your menu or just your menu, to be divided into 4 main sections
---Invites: Info you want included in 4 main sections. Usually: Ceremony (the formal worded part), RSVP info, Reception Info, and other can be directions, places to stay, poem, gift requests, etc. Don't forget to tell me if you are interested in custom RSVP cards to add.

10.) If you are ordering place cards, would you like me to print your individual guest names? (fee applies, see price list here)
---->Will you be sending me the names in an excel file, formatted to my specs: Y/N?
---->What format are your names? (i.e. single/couples/etc.) ______________
---->Will you also need table numbers: Y/N?

11.) Would you like a folding tool? Please indicate if you would like plastic ($5) or bone ($8.75) See my shop here for options

If you are ready to order and there is a listing in my etsy shop that fits your needs for format, quantity and ink color, please purchase that and send me your design specs via etsy convo or email (katskrafts[at]yahoo[dot]com) or contact me for a custom spec order! If you would like a bone folder, make sure to add it to your cart with your cootie catchers, in order to get the shipping on the folder free.

I am also happy to take orders via PayPal if you are not an etsy member. Simply email me (address above) with your specs and I'll send you an invoice and we'll get started!

Contact me with any questions!


Cooties for a Cause II

Are you interested in cootie catchers, like good deals
and want to do a good deed, too?

Then I've got the perfect way for you
to accomplish all three!

I've donated a $100 gift certificate towards anything in my store (can be applied to shipping, too!) to the Giving For Good Auction, to sponsor Good Samaritan Ministries, a local organization that aids my community in providing services for those in troubled times.

Bidding Starts @$33 or
you can "Buy It Now" for $75!

Here's a link to my $100 gift certificate-

But don't stop there!
Check out the other great items, too!


All Good Things Must Come to an End

It's so true...

because after much deliberation,
I am no longer offering Table Numbers/
Instruction Cards in my shop.

Not only am I already super busy with cootie orders, but the table numbers were really taking up so much of my time. I've found myself using every spare moment to assemble them, and that's just not the way I want to live my life right now, forsaking these especially precious moments with Caden.

Sorry for any inconvenience to any prospective customers out there who were considering ordering my table numbers! I will be finishing my current orders and then sticking with what I do best- Cooties!


Easter Cuties

We had such a fun time visiting family and getting all three little ones together!

Caden looked so adorable in his little suit coat. What a dapper little man!

I think Isabelle thought so too! :)
And of course, she looked pretty cute in her dress...

...which she had to change out of almost immediately, haha.

Layton, such a sweetie with all that hair! Be sure to take his shirt's advice to heart- "Lock up your daughters!" LOL

I just love this next shot of Layton's feet. Caden and Layton weren't bothered too much by the grass, but Isabelle was having none of it!

Oh, it is just too fun having all three of them so close in age!

Hope you had a blessed Easter. We sure did!


Current Lead Times & Announcements

Last Updated: April 19, 2015
I will be out of the shop from 4.20-4.26 and will return to business 4.27. Lead times will remain the same. :)

Current Lead Time Average
for Printed Orders(Design-Shipment):
about 1.5-2 weeks
(Assuming communication with me is forthright.)

Current Lead Time Average for .PDF Orders
(Design-1 or 2 rounds of revisions)
about 1-1.5 weeks
(Assuming your communication with me is forthright.)

Proofs:  4-6 business days
(From the time I get your order specs to the first proof)

Convos/Emails: 1-2 business days
Thanks for understanding that I reserve the weekends for my family (and my sanity! :)

*Oh, spring, how I love thee! (If Michigan would just get with the program, ha!) Spring weddings are just so hopeful, I love them! We are heading into my busy season, so expect lead times to increase as the summer approaches.  Just an FYI- I do my absolute best to return all emails and convos within a day, but sometimes it is honestly just not possible, so thanks for understanding that you are important to me and I will get back at ya, just give me a (business) day or two. And, as always, if you are in a time crunch, be sure to let me know!  I always keep some rush order slots open. 



Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some commonly asked questions about my cootie catchers and the ordering process.
Hope these help! If not, please feel free to send me an email (katskrafts{at}yahoo{.}com) or shoot me an etsy convo

Q.- Does it cost extra for more than one set of questions?
A.- Yes- I charge a flat fee of $10 for each additional set of questions, with the same design layout (i.e only the text is changing, not the graphics, etc.) If you'd like to overhaul the design for each set, the fee is $20 each additional.

Q.- How do Cootie Catchers ship?
A.- US orders ship via USPS Priority Mail with Delivery Confirmation AND Insurance. (International Customers- orders of 115 or less ship via Priority Mail international and orders over 115 ship via First Class mail, in order to save $$$) This is for your special day, and I don't take any chances! =) I ship them in a rigid mailer, which won't fit in your mailbox, so you'll have to make sure to follow the tracking and keep an eye out for them.

Q.- How long does the process usually take?
A.- Lead time on the Cootie Catchers varies depending on the season. In the off season, it is usually around 1.5 weeks, and during the height of wedding season can be up to 3-4 weeks. Lead times are also very dependent on how forthcoming you are in your communication from me, since you supply the customization info and need to approve designs before they go to print. I keep an updated lead time status here on my blog. Click here.

Q.- How far in advance should I order?
A.- I recommend ordering to allow for my current lead time and 4 weeks for shipping. I do so because the USPS does NOT guarantee the Priority Mail timeline. In fact, I have no recourse on the insurance until 30 days have passed with no delivery. For such a special occasion, I'd hate for you to take the risk, but of course, that's your call. I also am happy to offer Next Day shipping upgrades and rush order service for a small fee.

Q- Are they hard to fold?
A.- Well, that all depends on how confident you are! I don't personally think they are all that hard to fold, as long as you are patient enough to learn and have the right tool (a bone folder- $5-10 at craft stores, or in my etsy shop). With every order, I send an extra that has already been folded for you to reference, as well as detailed instructions that include drawings. Be sure to allow plenty of time to fold- don't wait until the night before the wedding! It takes me about 40 minutes of careful folding to fold 25 of them, so plan accordingly.
Of course, I am always available if you need help and I do take folding orders from time to time. Folding is $.75 extra each, and you'll need to contact me ahead of time to see if I can accommodate folding for you.

Q- How long do you keep my file on hand?
A.- I keep custom CC files on hand for 4-6 weeks after completion of order (CC's are shipped out), after which time I delete them, in order to keep my computer storage area from bogging down. If you need additional CC's please contact me before this deadline to get the quantity rate. If you do need them after I have deleted them, I will cheerfully design them again at full price. Thanks for understanding! :) Also, I do photograph some orders for display purposes. If you are opposed to having your custom design used for advertising, please let me know.

Q- Can I order just one to see if I like it?
A.- For sure! There are several listings in my shop for SAMPLE Cootie Catchers. Click here to go to my SAMPLE section. (If it's empty, I may have recently sold out- just convo/email me and I will restock them) The samples are not customized to you, nor can you pick your paper or color ink. But, they give you a great way to hold them in your hands and envision how great yours will look! (If you have a special request for style, you are welcome to ask, and I will do my best to find one in my stock that suits you, but no promises!) Also, I am happy to include up to 5 paper swatches with your sample.

Q- What kinds/colors of paper do you have?
A.- I have a range of more muted color choices in parchment paper, "natural" paper (looks handmade) and "Textures" paper (has a mottled look). I've also recently added a jewel tone collection as well, which has a small upgrade charge ($.12 each- my cost). These 4 kinds of paper offer the stiffest and most formal look. I also have quite a range of colors available in 24lb paper if you are trying to match your wedding colors. You can see all of my paper choices here. Almost all of my papers are also available in 65lb cover stock (cardstock) for a nominal charge of $.10 extra per cootie ($.22 extra for the jewel tone collection.)
If you order a sample and would like some swatches, leave a note in the message to seller section of checkout with the names of the papers you are interested in. I will include up to 5 swatches with each sample purchase. And finally, if you'd like something I don't normally carry, I'm willing to arrange a special order.

Q- Do you have white or metallic ink?
A.- No, unfortunately, I do not have the capability to produce white or metallic inks. I do have a fabulous laser printer, though and the range of crisp colors I can produce is fantastic. :)

Q.- What text can I include in my Cootie Catchers?
A.- I do 4 main types of CC's- FAVORS, PLACE CARDS, PROGRAMS & MENUS. All CC's have 4 outer square corners. Most brides choose to do their names and the date/year on opposite corners. Other ideas include the location, a monogram, your last name, a quote, a heart or graphic- whatever you can come up with!
-For FAVORS, there is space for 8 questions and answers. Don't think you can come up with 8 questions? Don't worry, I have compiled a large list of ideas for you, click here!
-PLACE CARDS are essentially the same as favors, but they have an outer corner or two dedicated to a space for your guest's name/table assignment. I can also print your guest names for you, see my price list here.
-For PROGRAMS, the ceremony information is formatted into 4 main interior sections. These usually consist of- 1.)Order of Ceremony 2.)Parents 3.)Wedding Party 4.)Thank You/Musicians/Officiant, but of course, each cootie varies with each bride.
-MENUS are also fully formatted as programs are, but you can either have questions on the flaps like favors with your menu info in the center, or dedicate the four main interior sections to your menu.

However, it's your event and your Cootie Catcher! They can be as unique as you are. :)

Q.- I've gotta have 'em! How do I get started placing my order?
A.- First, decide on the format you'd like. (Favors, place cards, programs or menus), then the total quantity you need and finally the ink color. Peruse my shop listings- if there's one that fits your needs exactly, go ahead and purchase that one. Otherwise, contact me and let me know what you want and I'll set up a custom listing for you. I have a helpful order form set up right here. If you are not an etsy member, I'd be happy to arrange your order via email- katskrafts(at) yahoo(dot)com.


Being Sick is the Pits...

...and having to go to Urgent Care instead of your regular doc stinks even worse.

I've had a terrible cold and it's developed into Bronchitis. Never smoked a day in my life, but you wouldn't know that from how I sound!

Thank heaven for a wonderful husband, who has stepped in to help me enormously with taking care of the house and Caden. He is the BEST EVER!
(love you, Greg :)

Here's to hoping I feel better ASAP!


Cootie Catcher Question Ideas

Are you stuck on what questions to ask?
Need some more ideas?
Well, have a gander at this list!
(Please feel free to leave more in the comments)
Each cootie has room for 8 questions/answers.

Some Question Ideas:
What is their favorite restaurant?
Where was (bride/groom) born?
How many roses has (groom) given (bride)?
What is their favorite game?
Who is the best man?
Who is the Maid of Honor?
When is their anniversary? (duh!)
How did (groom) propose?
What is (bride/groom)’s favorite sport?
Where are they honeymooning?
Where will they live?
How much taller is (bride/groom)?
Who is older and by how much?
What tradition(s) do their families share?
What does (bride/groom) do for a living?
What do they collect?
When/how did (groom) propose?
What is their song?
Where/how did they meet?
Where is (bride)’s ring from?
When is (bride/groom)’s birthday?
Do they have any pets?
What is their pet’s name?
Where was their first date?
How many kids do they want?
Will they live happily ever after? (yes!)
Who is the ring bearer?
Who is the flower girl?
How long have (bride/groom)’s parent been married?
What is the bride’s “something blue/something old?”
What is their favorite type of food?
What is their favorite board game?
What is (bride/groom’s) favorite ice cream flavor?
Where was their first kiss?
What are their nicknames for one another?
What is their favorite sport?
Where have they traveled?
Which flower does (groom) give (bride)?
What is their favorite vacation spot?
What was the first movie they saw together?
What is their favorite TV show?
What are their nicknames for each other?
What does (Bride/Groom) love about (Groom/Bride)?
How long have they been dating?
Where will they live/new address?
What team does groom root for?
What is Bride’s favorite store?
What are their dreams?
What are their plans?
Who calls the shots?
What are their birthstones?
How many siblings do they have?
What does (Bride’s name/Groom’s name) mean?
Pepsi or Coca-Cola?
What instrument(s) do they play?
What do they spend all their money on?
What were their college majors?
How do you say “I Love You” in (French, etc)?
What was unique about the proposal?
What is their favorite band?
What do they do for fun?
Can (Bride/Groom) cook?
What is their drink of choice?
What is (Bride/Groom)’s favorite meal?
What is their favorite holiday?
What is his/her greatest challenge?
How did he win her heart?
How did she win his heart?
Who is his/her favorite historical icon?
What is his/her favorite book?
What would their ideal date night be?
Who is their favorite entertainer?
Who takes longer to get ready?
Who said, “I love you,” first?
What were some of their first jobs?
Who are their celebrity crushes?
What is (bride/groom's) catch phrase?
What does (groom) buy (bride) to say he's sorry?
What do they do after work?
(Bride or groom): morning person or night owl?
Who's better under pressure?
Who's the spender and who's the saver?
What couple do they most look up to?
What are their childhood nicknames?
Where is the most distant guest from?
Who's more likely to be late?
How many tattoos does (Bride/Groom) have?
If they won the lottery, what would they buy?
What is their dream hometown?


A Font for all Fêtes!

I am a collector of fonts- I love 'em! I have so, so many fonts to choose from and the list keeps growing.


*If you are choosing something ornate, that's great! But please consider also choosing a complementary block print font for the main body of your text. Script fonts and very decorative serif fonts limit word count and are hard to read at such a small typeface. You don't want your guests squinting! I'd be happy to help with this. :)

Click these pictures to enlarge them.

*If you don't see anything that fits your current style, please visit www.dafont.com for more options. I love this site, trust it, and will use something you find there that you like better. Dafont also has a great selection of dings for ornamentation. Check it out! 


He's a Ladies Man...

Well, he's definitely THIS lady's man!

Ooh, girls, eat your hearts, out! This one's a killer!
(just ignore daddy's dirty socks in the background...)

He has so many looks... :)

Have a hug and a
Happy Valentine's Day!


Gosh, I Love a Great Deal!

Does anyone else LOVE bargain hunting? Seriously, I feel so thrilled when I get a great deal and I love telling people about it.

My grandma doesn't agree with this. If someone compliments me on a shirt and I say, "Thanks. Got it on the Kohl's clearance rack for $3.50!" she would probably gasp. (A lady never gives up her secrets... love you Grams! :)

Carter's has recently had their warehouse clearance sale, with an extra 50% of the clearance prices! Caden got so many new clothes, I also bought some for my niece, Isabelle, too. Who could pass up frilly dresses for $2.50?

Anyways, that was some great shopping, but today was the steal of the century! Greg and I have been wanting a GPS for the car for some time, now. We've borrowed a friend's for a few road trips and let me tell, ya, we hardly argued at all! (God had pity on the marriage relationship when he inspired whoever invented this gadget.)

A few days ago, I got a peel off Kohl's coupon. I always get the 15%ers, never the 20% or 30%, so imagine my surprise when it was 30% off! Yay! I started to imagine all the things I "needed." Then, yesterday I got their two-day Valentine's doorbuster ad. It just so happens that a $200 GPS was on sale for $89.99.
That's 55% off already!

Okay, so $89.99.
Less my 30% off, brought it to $65.00.
Then, I had $25 in Kohl's merchandise credits (from Christmas returns)- $40.00
Oh yes, did I mention you get a $20 VISA card in rebate for the GPS?- $20.00
Finally, Kohl's gave me $10 in Kohl's cash for every $50 I spent- $10.00


I just spent $10.00, people, and got an awesome GPS!
Beat that!

(Well, actually, I can- did I ever tell you about the time Greg and I got PAID for buying new rollerblades...
that's another story, though... =)


Cootie Catcher Paper Options

I have loads of paper choices available! There's bound to be something that matches your event colors/theme and if not, I'm always up for special orders! :)

You can click each picture to get an up close view of each set of colors. Please remember that monitors differ, so if you have a question about any of my paper colors, please don't hesitate to ask! I've included some other terms under the color names in an effort to help you identify their true shades. Also, if you are unsure, I would be happy to arrange swatches sent via snail mail.

Please be aware that I print cootie catchers on TEXT weight paper. All of my papers are between 24-30lbs. I personally feel this is the right weight of paper for cooties. Please see my note below if you are interested in heavier stock.

NEW- just added a solid aqua/Tiffany to the Solid Blues!

Sorry, the solid Aqua is not available in cardstock.

THIS JUST IN! Jewel Tones!
This gorgeous line just became available. There is an extra charge of $.12 each for these jewel-tone papers. They are 28lb text weight and are usually better suited to darker inks.
NEW- just added a new aqua/Tiffany blue to the Jewel Tone line.

Sometimes brides like their cooties on cover stock (although I don't recommend it). I'm happy to accommodate these orders upon request. There is a $.10 upcharge for cardstock cootie catchers. (With the exception of the Jewel Tone collection, which has an upcharge of $.22 each for cover stock)
Unless otherwise marked, all of my paper selections also come in cardstock. In addition to these cardstock choices, I also have:White Linen
Cherry (a shade of pink)
Buff (a light yellow/gold color)
Bisque (off white)

Also, I get asked a lot if I can do white ink on darker paper. The short answer is unfortunately, no. (Which is why you'll notice I don't offer black or very dark papers) White ink is not yet available except in VERY expensive commercial printers. Let's hope they come up with a solution to that soon!